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File metadata and controls

233 lines (144 loc) · 7.78 KB


bem create

You can create following entities using bem create:

  • levels of definition
  • blocks
  • elements
  • modifiers

Level of definition

Level of definition is a directory that holds blocks and a utility directory .bem.

A .bem directory holds configuration of a current level:

  • naming convention
  • links to the technologies

See an example of technologies links (it is a blocks-desktop level of bem-bl block library).

Create new level of definition named blocks in current directory

bem create level blocks

Create a level for pages

In bem-tools terms pages are blocks as well, and a directory which holds pages is a level of definition itself. To create such a directory run the following command:

bem create level pages

Create a level based on an existing one

bem create level allows to use an existing level as a prototype for a level being created.

bem create level --level bem-bl/blocks-desktop blocks


Block is a bunch of files in different technologies that hold block's implementation.

Create a new block

bem create block b-my-block

By default, a block has several techs (BEMHTML, CSS, JS).

Create a new block using concrete tech

Flags -t (-T) are to create files of technologies you need:

bem create block -t deps.js b-my-block
    // Creates a block implementation in deps.js technology, except of default techs

bem create block -T css b-my-block
    // Creates only CSS technology for a block

bem create block -T bem-bl/blocks-desktop/i-bem/bem/techs/bemhtml.js b-my-block
    // -T flag is useful when you need to add a new tech to the existing block

The value of this flag may be either tech's name (for example, CSS) or a path to a tech module.

Tech names may be listed in .bem/level.js file of a level (see example).

You can find the examples of tech modules in the repo.

Create element

Create element named elem for block b-my-block:

bem create elem -b b-my-block elem

Create modifier of block or element

Create modifier named mod for block b-my-block:

bem create mod -b b-my-block mod

Create modifier named mod with value val for block b-my-block:

bem create mod -b b-my-block mod -v val

Create modifier named mod for element elem of block b-my-block:

bem create mod -b b-my-block -e elem mod

Create modifier named mod with value val for element elem of block b-my-block:

bem create mod -b b-my-block -e elem mod -v val

Create any BEM entity using bem create command only

You can create any BEM entities or bunches of them using bem create command.

Create blocks named b-block1 and b-block2:

bem create -b b-block1 -b b-block2

Create elements named elem1 and elem2 for block b-block:

bem create -b b-block -e elem1 -e elem2

Create modifier names mod of block b-block:

bem create -b b-block -m mod

Create modifier named mod of block b-block with values val1 and val2:

bem create -b b-block -m mod -v val1 -v val2

Create modifier named mod for element elem of block b-block

bem create -b b-block -e elem -m mod

Create modifier named mod with values val1 and val2 for element elem of block b-block:

bem create -b b-block -e elem -m mod -v val1 -v val2

Create bemdecl.js file from page's bemjson

bem create \
    -l pages \
    -b index \
    -T bemdecl.js

bem build

bem build command builds page files in different techs, according to a page declaration.

You can use either tech's name or a path to its module as a value of -t flag. This module specifies how to build a final file from a declaration (see module for deps.js for example).

Create deps.js file from bemdecl.js

bem build \
    -l bem-bl/blocks-common -l bem-bl/blocks-desktop \
    -l blocks -l pages/index/blocks \
    -d pages/index/index.bemdecl.js -t deps.js \
    -o pages/index -n index

Create JS and CSS files for a page from deps.js

bem build \
    -l bem-bl/blocks-common -l bem-bl/blocks-desktop \
    -l blocks -l pages/index/blocks \
    -d pages/index/index.deps.js -t css \
    -o pages/index -n index

bem build \
    -l bem-bl/blocks-common -l bem-bl/blocks-desktop \
    -l blocks -l pages/index/blocks \
    -d pages/index/index.deps.js -t js \
    -o pages/index -n index

Create bemhtml.js template for a page from deps.js

bem build \
    -l bem-bl/blocks-common -l bem-bl/blocks-desktop \
    -l blocks -l pages/index/blocks \
    -d pages/index/index.deps.js \
    -t bem-bl/blocks-desktop/i-bem/bem/techs/bemhtml.js \
    -o pages/index -n index

bem decl

bem decl is to work with declaration files. Thus,

  • to merge two or more decls into one
  • «subtract» decls

All subcommands of bem decl can take either bemdecl.js or deps.js as input declaration formats (via -d flag).

Ouput data (-o flag) is always in deps.js format.

bem decl merge

bem decl merge is to merge two or more decls into one. It is useful in case, for example, you need to build one file for several pages.

Create a decl for all the pages

bem decl merge \
    -d pages/index/index.deps.js \
    -d pages/about/about.deps.js \
    -d pages/search/search.deps.js \
    -o pages/common/common.deps.js

bem decl subtract

bem decl subtract is to «subtract» all next decls from the first one. You may use it to create a bundle that is requested by demand.

Create a decl for a "heavy" block requested by demand

bem decl subtract \
    -d bundles/heavy-block/heavy-block.deps.js \
    -d pages/common/common.deps.js \
    -o bundles/heavy-block/heavy-block.bundle.js

bem make

make command implements the build process of the BEM projects. You do not have to write your own scripts or makefiles (for GNU make or other build system) to build your BEM project.

During the build bem make:

  • fetches the block libraries
  • builds the levels content
  • builds the bundles
  • generates the templates (BEMHTML)
  • generates HTML from bemjson.js
  • generates the static content files (JS, CSS)
  • expands the @import directives in CSS files (borschik)
  • expands the borschik:link:include directives in JS files (borschik)
  • optimizes CSS files using CSSO
  • optimizes JS files using UglifyJS

bem server

bem server command runs a development server. It makes the project files being accessible via the HTTP protocol. This includes the files which are generated during the build process. So the server can be useful when you develop the static pages using the BEM method. You just edit the files, refresh the browser and get updated page. All the files which are affected by your changes will be rebuilt automatically. In case your project has no static pages, you can configure your backend server and production environment to retrieve the stylesheets and scripts from the bem server. bem server accepts connections via normal TCP socket and via UNIX domain socket.

By default, the current directory is considered as a project root. You can change it using the --project (-r) option.

Default TCP port is 8080. You can change it using the --port (-p) option.

When requested URL is mapped to a directory, the server will check whether it is possible to build an index.html file for the requested directory. If true, the content of the file will be returned to a browser. The directory content listing will be returned otherwise.